As built drawing process
As built drawing process


Impact of Technology on preparing As Built drawings


A good construction software enables the contractor to track adjustments and variations closely and instantly, which ensures that no changes are overlooked, and that errors are minimised in recording them. Many contractors find that the use of technology can make this overwhelming process much less time consuming. This makes them the most logical choice to record the changes that took place during construction.Īs Built drawings are much easier to prepare when the contractor keeps detailed records of changes during every phase of construction.

  • Unanticipated obstacles confronted by the contractor and how they were overcome.Īs Built drawings are normally prepared by the architects and engineers who initially designed the project because they are conversant with the original specifications.
  • Changes made as a result of the final inspection.
  • Changes in materials, dimensions, locations, installations, fabrications, etc.
  • The following are some examples of such details:


    However, this seemingly time consuming task is important for projecting a professional image of the contractor with its clients and for increasing its chances of getting more work on future projects.Īs mentioned above, As Built drawings include an extensive amount of details and documents. There is a vast amount of details to be recorded during construction in order to produce the significant quantity of information to be included in the As Built drawings.


    With a full history of project changes, owners will have an exact record of what has been built, which becomes important for any future additions or renovations work or ownership changes, especially if the original architects and contractors are not available after completion of the construction.Īs Built drawings are also an important part of regulatory sign-offs with local government and external certifying firms in order to receive occupational certification for the project. This is because As Built drawings provide a record of what was actually constructed beyond the original blueprints. Many government agencies require the As Built surveys to confirm the actual locations of underground improvements.Īs Built drawings represent a valuable component of any completed project, and enhance the contractor’s professional image with clients.

    as built drawing process

    This is usually done with As Built surveys, which record variations from original plans to what is actually built. As such, the As Built drawings allow a comparison between the initial design and the final product, and provide a detailed plan of the actual completed structure.Īs Built drawings are much easier to create at the end of the project if the contractor tracks precisely and continually how the structure and adjoining land change as work progresses during every phase of construction. They are the original design drawings revised to reflect any changes made in the field, such as design changes issued by variations/change order, modifications, component relocations required for coordination, rerouting of distribution systems, shop drawing changes, extra works, etc. Also called record drawings or just as-builts.”

    as built drawing process

    They reflect all changes made in the specifications and working drawings during the construction process, and show the exact dimensions, geometry, and location of all elements of the work completed under the contract. This article takes a brief look at As Built drawings what they are, how they are created and why they are important.Īs Built drawings are defined as “Revised set of drawing submitted by a contractor upon completion of a project or a particular job.

    as built drawing process as built drawing process

    They contain changes made from the initial drawings during the construction process, and provide an exact rendering of the building and property as it appears upon completion.The value of As Built drawings is often underrated, especially their importance for the efficient management of the project after construction has been completed. An as-built drawing is a revised drawing created and submitted by a contractor after a construction project is finished.

    As built drawing process